Mac & Cheese Grains

Mac & Cheese Grains 700 620 TIPIAK
Mac & Cheese Grains
Home / Tomato & Oregano / Mac & Cheese Grains

Mac & Cheese Grains

For 3/4 servings
30 Min.


  • 1 pouch of French Harvest Organic Grains Tomato & Oregano
  • ¼ cup (1.4 oz) of butter
  • ¼ cup (1.2 oz) of all-purpose flour
  • 1 garlic clove, crushed
  • 2 cups (17.3 oz) of milk
  • 1 cup (3.5 oz) of shredded smoked cheddar for the sauce and ¼ cup (0.9 oz) for the topping
  • ¼ tsp of smoked paprika
  • ¼ cup (1 oz) of breadcrumbs
  • ¼ cup (0.9oz) of grated parmesan
  • Salt and pepper


  1. Preheat the oven to 410°F.
  2. Prepare French Harvest Organic Grains Tomato & Oregano as per package instructions.
  3. In a large saucepan, brown the crushed garlic with the butter. Add the flour and mix continuously with a whisk. When the mix starts to scorch, make a sauce by adding the milk little by little and keep mixing until the sauce thickens (roughly 5 min). Lower the heat. Add the cup of shredded cheddar, season to your liking and remove from heat.
  4. Add the cheesy sauce to the grains and stir.
  5. Pour the preparation into an oven dish. Sprinkle with the breadcrumbs, the grated parmesan, the rest of the shredded cheddar.
  6. Bake for 20min at 410°F.
Tips: For a non-veg version, you can add ½ cup (2.6 oz) of sliced bacon, (step 4).
Used in this recipe:
Tipiak French Harvest Organic Grains Tomato & Oregano

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